A little visit

Scratching that line is such a relief


My nipples harden with excitement

Just a short vacation

Nothing serious

Let me peek around the room

Let me smell the damp rot that fills this room

Let me soak in this slimey, mildew coated tub

and awaken in my bed

No one will know I was away

No one will have even an inkling of my

intention to stay longer each visit

My mother has a room here

My father has a larger room.

There I spend the most time exploring.

Small photographs line the walls of each room

I search for mine

In it I am small and well behaved

It gathers dust

Each moment that passes makes me drowsier

It gets harder to find my way to my bed

I tell myself

I can stay longer

These rooms need tending to

Perhaps if I can stay

I can keep the frame clean


Disney Villain

Who am I to believe in true love when I’ve never seen an example of it in true life?

When had a fairytale romance played before me so that I may lust after a similar reprise in my favor?

Short answer: never.

I am alone and this is my fairytale.

One where I am the villain destined to be alone.


Self love

What do you do when your love fades?

When there’s a greasy film over thing and everyone?

The mirror’s face is not my own. How long have I had the scars? These creases creaking around my lids?

My mouth is empty and without my teeth, my tongues lolls out.

Truth streams forth.

Flecks of saliva permeate the atmosphere. All greasy with truth unwanted.

I loved myself in my youth.

Not because it was simple but because I was too polite to cause a scene.

I was all peppermint and rose quartz.

Now the truth is a darling friend that you can’t wait to evict after 2 am.

Now I am obsidian. Only able to cut you with the truth.

No one really wants the truth .

Just greasy and heavy and lonely.

Self love fades and is replaced by a withered face, savage tongue.

Truth has now replaced love.

Love is silly anyway, replaced by the sticky truth that clings to air. Humid, sticky air.

When self love fades, you won’t notice til you speak and smell the acrid, greasiness of truth stings your eyes.

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Passing the time

Where do I go from here?

Am I yours to only pass the time?

Waiting for your true love

While I sit alone with your shadow. 

Chest heaves, my heart aches,

My limbs are numb. 

Your voice an echo of past hurts

Softly lying to me. 

Do I stay? Do I run?

I want to sink into the ocean. 

The dull roar of waves above my head. 

Darkness cradling me;

Lulling me to sleep. 

But your voice is still with me. 

I’m in hell and you’re my guide. 

All while waiting for your love

And you’re killing me while you wait.